If you’re feeling run down, lacking in energy, depressed or unhealthy, it’s possible that your chakras are out of alignment.

Change is constant and ever evolving.  Our emotional energy body works in conjunction with our physical body.  Optimizing the energetic flow of your mind, body and spirt allow your body to be in a natural state of healing.

What exactly are “chakras?”

Simply put, your chakras are the locations at which your spirit and physical body meet. Thought to have been officially standardized under eighth-century Buddhist Tantra teachings, ancient custom dictates that there are seven primary meeting points between the subtle (non-physical) energy channels of the body. These channels, known as “nadi,” are believed to be the channels in the subtle body through which your life force moves.

The word “chakra” is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “wheel,” “circle” and “cycle.” This should help you to visualize how chakras are understood to operate. Your chakras are constantly moving bands of energy that circulate within specific zones of your body… like a moving wheel. While there are many chakras understood to exist within the body, most practitioners focus on the seven “major” chakras:

Root chakra

Located at the base of the spine, this is otherwise known as Muladhara, the earth chakra. Your root chakra is red in color. It is associated with feelings of safety and security.

Sacral chakra

Located below the belly button in the upper pelvic region, this chakra is known through ancient custom as Svadisthana. It’s orange in color. It is considered the water chakra (you’d think it’d be blue). It is associated with pleasure, acceptance and creativeness.

Solar plexus chakra

Located at the point where your ribs meet your abdomen, just above the naval, this chakra is known as Manipura, the fire chakra. Manipura is believed to be responsible for your digestion and diaphragmatic functions. It is associated with feelings of control and self-worth.

Heart chakra

Located, funnily enough, at the center of your chest, this is known as Anahata, the air chakra. Anahata is green. It is associated with feelings of love and inner peace.

Throat chakra

Blue in color, this chakra is known as Visuddha, the ether chakra. Responsible for your taste, speech and eating abilities, Visuddha’s purpose is to enable both inward and outward communication.

Third eye chakra

Located between your eyes, this chakra, otherwise known as Ajna, is that of the light. Indigo in color, Ajna enables physical sight and internal decision making.

Crown chakra

Thought to be either located at the top of the head or just above it, Sahasrara is the violet chakra, representing cosmic energy. Your crown chakra is responsible for maintaining mental peace and connectedness.

Chakras as energy bands. The universe is energy — it’s a scientific fact. Therefore, it stands to reason that our own bodies are governed by certain energy wavelengths. A convenient way to enable understanding of these energy bands is through the system of chakras.