Everything in the universe, from the smallest molecules to the most complex living beings, has an optimal rate of vibration to keep it healthy.  We are able to consciously control these vibrations within themselves using a variety of techniques.  

We know we are in this optimal vibration because we feel good and can sense that we are aligned with all that is.  We can heal and our intuition is good.

When your desire for changing toward this optimal state is strong your desire for change is ignited.  You may feel you just can’t take “it”.  You want to change “it” but you can’t articulate what “it” is.  It is an elephant in your mind, your body, your emotions and your soul.  It feels like an elephant is sitting on your chest and your head hurts.  Your mind is somewhere else.  You are distracted and irritated.  Your own company is not with a friend but a fiend.  Life is not good.  Your vibration is dull and low.

Your emotions, intentions, choices and actions build or destroy your life.  They are both conscious and unconscious.  Energy clearing and balancing helps you become more aware of what thoughts, words and actions are floating your boat.  If you are not going in the direction of your dreams then you are not in alignment.  You may be aiming your boat in one direction with your conscious thoughts but you subconscious patterns, beliefs, habits, experiences and programs are controlling the current.  If you feel like your paddling way to hard and not getting what you want Energy Clearing and Balancing can help.

As you begin to identify your self-defeating patterns, your negative self-talk, your conflicting beliefs you are suddenly aware.  As you adjust your focus from the past and future you gain your power in the present.

The Chakras are an essential part of our body’s energy system. The chakras are intrinsically connected to our physical health. Each is linked to specific parts of the body and to body systems. Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning wheel or vortex. We have thousands of chakras, but there are seven major chakras in the human body from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

Reiki healing treatments work with opening and balancing the chakra system. When a particular chakra is healthy, balanceand open, so too are its connected body parts. Conversely, if a chakra is blocked, damaged or closed, then the health of the connected body part and system will be compromised.

The Meridians are the final component of the human energy body. They are the energy equivalent to the arteries and veins that carry out blood around our body. It is on these meridians that the various points exist that are used in complimentary therapies such as acupuncture and reflexology.

The state of the energy body is very important in the health of any individual. Any blockages in the auric field and or chakras that are not healed will manifest in the physical body as ‘dis-ease.’

Purple Crown Chakra
Blue Third Eye Chakra
Aqua Throat Chakra
Green Heart Chakra
Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra
Orange Belly Chakra
Red Root Chakra