Sacral Chakra
Your Sacral Chakra is located in the areas of the spleen, belly, above the sexual organs
Your sacral chakra is orange and is composed of red and yellow in equal parts. It is the place of your vitality and strength. It is at the lower end of the visible light spectrum and it is also a warm colour. Imagine the heat of the sun.
This is your gut feelings and wisdom. This is the centre of being through which you connect with the deepest voice of the self, the deepest stillness and wisdom.
Are you feeling unbalanced, too serious, controlling, focused on negative, judgemental, or difficulty trusting others?
Perhaps you have extreme anger, hatred, rejection of self, denial of joy and fun or an inability to communicate and process fears.
Do you suffer from guilt, regret, resentment, blame, ancient sadness, holding onto destructive beliefs and memories from the past?
Do you often feel exhaustion, depression, difficulty dealing with challenging situations, crumbling under pressure and giving up?
Common physical imbalance indications often appear as dis-ease including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Appetite (Anorexia, Bulimia) as well as Kidney, Urine or Bladder Problems.
Benefits of Balanced Chakra include:
Peace, Tranquility, Kindness
Ease, Flexibility, Openness, Receptivity, Appreciation, Acceptance, Allowance
Freedom, Willingness, Creativity, Spontaneity, Hopeful, Encouraged, Satisfaction, Inspiration
Love, Compassion, Self-Worth, Self-Belief
Releases Sorrow, Envy, Fear, Apathy,
Helps give a Sense of Humour
Desire, Passion, Pleasure