We are the cooperative.  We are the codependent.  We are the co-accused.  We are the enablers.  We are the victims.  We are the carousel of criticism.

They tell us don’t be such a Nancy as our boys fail to meet the mark on an old haggard out of shape fat pompous prick who calls himself a coach.  They laugh at us and tell us no one will accept us.  No one could possibly love us.  Of this we are reminded with each sneer from the pulpit upon which our judge sits upon his mighty thrown of belittling tyranny.  

The thrown we built as we rose to each occasion where with pride we stood beside our children.  Our great providers absent again for they were working on another opportunity to snare a pretty princess.  Each princess fed the lie of the failed marriage or the single man.  A harem built behind the scenes where everyone knew the injustice but no one told.  They thought we knew.

We kept up the fake smile and the false facade so we can keep face amongst the other Karens and Nancys whose company we keep.  The soccer moms unite to keep it all together while it is all falling apart.

Then one of us leaves upon the wings of death.  Death of a life that no longer brings the joy and happiness that makes each day worth living.  She burns her daughter and her dreams of a life after.  A life that was planned upon the wings of an angel who was destined for greatness.  Together we were to grace the university and learn the lessons we longed to discover.  It was our secret.  Shhhh don’t tell daddy we pinkie swore.  

Our dream was shattered and then rebuilt.  On two sides of the veil we built our destiny. 

We call it Exponential Joy and together we have built a legacy.  A castle here on earth were it is safe to heal our hearts, acknowledge our pain, accept our own power, design our destiny and make our dreams come true.  It is a place were we can Recover Joy.