Sailing in the direction of my dreams meant going beyond the safety zone where the doubts and fears keep me captive.

I was programmed like a lab rat to stay away. Each corner in the maze was possibly a scaredy cat meant to maim me or a guard dog to keep me in my cage. It took time for me to stop imagining failure around every corner.

I choose to master my mind and my emotions.

My present is splattered with sprinkles of success in the now. I choose success. I CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON MY NOW. I choose to master my mind and my emotions. I am a badass beauty and a warrior goddess. This reality is a force to be reckoned with.

Sailing SS Success

Sailing in the direction of my dreams meant going beyond the safety zone where the doubts and fears keep me captive.  I was programmed like a lab rat to stay away.  Each corner in the maze was possibly a scaredy cat meant to maim me or a guard dog to keep me in my cage.  It took time for me to stop imagining failure around every corner.  I learned that safety is for ships in a harbour and rats in a cage.  My dreams are in the scary places where failure is possible and success is inevitable.  

I can’t remember all of my past.  Honestly I have years of repression.  My repression began from before my mother suffered her AV Malformation and after.  

I’ve learned that my I have to let go of my past.  Years of mental abuse during my marriage weighed me down.  I am blessed to have made peace with the panic that kept me captive.  The monster doesn’t hold beauty anymore.  I am no longer the battered beauty.

I can choose to go down the rabid past rabbit hole and remember that madness.  It’s in this madness that my anxiety enters and fills me with dread and damned dreams.   My doubt makes me vulnerable.  I don’t have time to be vulnerable and I choose to focus on my incredible inevitable success.

My present is splattered with sprinkles of success in the now.  I choose success.  I CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON MY NOW.  I choose to master my mind and my emotions.  I am a badass beauty and a warrior goddess.  This reality is a force to be reckoned with.