Master Your Mind

Every morning when I wake up IT turns on — My Mind.

I remember the game in my childhood room, my grandparents living room and now my mother’s basement.  Like a crib game but with coloured pegs and the master’s pegs hidden behind the veil.  A plastic brown shield like a fence.  One player hides their pattern of colours and the other guesses.  The game was called Master Mind.

This reminds me of life, mine and yours.  We have so many hidden fears, issues and pain buried deep behind the veil of our subconscious mind.  Thank god, for without the veil we would suffer such mental anguish.  Psychiatrists have a name for it; Buddhists, Christians, and Pantheists do to.  There is no such thing as a non-believer in this.

Monkey mind and madness are evident when we see a homeless person crazed on the street or a drug addict screaming at the air.  The truth is told I have it, well at least sometimes.  I often felt like a version of Cybil and Patricia for my mind is like a movie theatre and a music concert filled with sounds and images.  I know what this muse is now and I channel it into projects and passions, writing is one of them that brings me great joy.  Compassion and Empathy for others brings me into alignment with each soul I am blessed to meet.

Rainbow Bridge

I have a map for it now, a beautiful rainbow bridge.  The chakra system helps me understand all seven areas and all the corresponding issues.

My red root chakra glows with worries of finances, home and safety of both myself and my family.

My orange belly chakra rumbles when I create a workshop or get ready to meet a new client.

My yellow solar plexus chakra rains with indigestion and anxiety as I take a heart felt idea into my writing space to create.

My green heart chakra, glowing pink, loves to share ideas and is broken in pain when loss and guilt are in the room.  The elephant in the closet comes out and my tears rain like salty ocean waves in a hurricane.

My aqua throat chakra rasps when it has been used too much and stutters when I am afraid.

My deep blue third eye sees beyond my hazel green eyes and when closed the pain in my head is like prickles and knives.

My purple crown chakra is filled with divine joy and information, some days more than I can possibly get onto the page or out of my mouth.

I understand the chakra system more each day.  Each beautiful being who enters my world and shares their soul shows me their pain and path.  Together we heal and transform.  I understand the importance of self care and practice daily.  I walk the path everyday along side those who I share the healing with for I heal myself daily.

That is why I play master mind every day and have learned to be both playful and determined.  I am grateful for the map and love to share what I have learned and keep learning every day.

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