I am so Excited.

I am so Blessed.

I walk in the footsteps of those before me and I am Inspired.

I skip over there steps and Make My Own Path.

I take a step with Faith, maybe another and see the blue sky.

I take a step with Faith, maybe another and see the blue sky.  Dark shadows come like clouds and I am timid, often afraid.  I cannot see the blue and I am filled with doubt.  I have lost my way and am nowhere.  I know the way out.  If I squint my eyes and look into the far away distance, I can see the silver lining and the sparkle.  

There is a pink glitter glean on the clouds like cotton candy.  I sit down on the path next to a tree and wrap myself in a blanket.  I remove my necklace from my neck and count as I breath.  The wind comes and the darkness creeps down my neck.  Her voice is just a whisper and it fills my ear and travels through my mind.  The worms feast on my doubt and lay eggs of terror; maggots of mania crawl over my skin.  

Each breath brings a distance scent from the lilac trees of my childhood.  Comfort and Joy filled memories begin to creep in growing like wildflowers.  Hope, Patience and Trust fill my lungs, my heart and my mind.  I feel my chest rise and my arms tingle.  With each rise of my belly I am filled with a banquet of Love.  

I am ready to rise and continue my journey ~ just for today.  In this moment I am Strong and I feel a Child-Like Delight.  I lift my legs to skip and my arms raise to spin.  I am overcome with Bliss and Joy.  I am ten years old once again and I am Joy.  My journey has begun again and I am filled with Pure Trust, Pure Joy.  I am Pure Inspiration and Love.  

In this moment I can do or be anyone and everything.  With a fairy smile and a contagious giggle, I erupt with a glitter filled laugh.

Meditation is my muse and I use it daily.  I breath while I ground and wash the dishes.  The delicious inhale and exhale calm my mind, body and soul.  This is where my peace is, this is where I go often.  My footsteps join my breath as I calm my pace to match.  This is where I find comfort during my daily discomfort. 

When the phone rings and I am interrupted my the mental madness of another.  My past wounds are opened, just like yours, and I find calm in what was a frantic response.  I am a peaceful warrior as I continue my own Journey to Joy.

Life is good!