The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I was the definition of insanity in my depression.  I lived a life of lies and kept on hoping that no one knew.  The IRONY of the insanity was that I believed that people actually believed me.  

Embracing all of my learning and continuing more.  It is a place where I am blessed with an amazing life and grateful for all that I have.

Photo credit — Owl Eye Photography

I was completely immersed in my depression.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. These words are usually credited to the acclaimed genius Albert Einstein.  I was the definition of insanity in my depression.  I lived a life of lies and kept on hoping that no one knew.  The IRONY of the insanity was that I believed that people actually believed me.


I placed all of my hope in a relationship that became my nightmare.   To name the day my depression began is impossible.   I closed a blind eye to the impossible situation of my marriage.  I became an academy award winning actress.  I was filled with SHAME each and every waking moment.  I was too busy keeping face amid the overwhelming responsibility of raising five children while managing a constantly flailing business.  I was proud that I could keep it all together.  

I didn’t realize that my lies were my downfall.  I didn’t see my depression as each year grew into decades.  I failed to tell anyone and grew deeper into my sadness.  I hid behind the facade of a good mother, good wife and GREAT CODEPENDENT.  

Keeping it all together was impossible and I fell into a slump of APATHY.  I became INDIFFERENT to my life and accepted my doomed fate.  I planned on creating a new life when my youngest child, Emily Joy, graduated from high school in 2019.

I never saw the day Emily graduated from high school.  

My daughter Emily Joy was killed in a tragic water accident in 2011 when she was 10 years old.

It was her death that propelled me deeper into a sadness that I had been lying about for over 20 years.  Because her brother survived the accident, I was able to avoid the grief of her death for the next 9 months as I focused on his recovery.  

Accepting the word “depression” was something that took me 9 years to accept as I healed from a deep, deep sadness.  

There is a mark of disgrace associated with depression that many of us are unwilling to be saddled with.   Depression is a heavy word that I just wasn’t willing to carry. 

When I first crawled out from my sadness I was exponentially ANGRY.  I was HURT, FRUSTRATED, and IRRITATED.  I was DEVASTATED and RESENTFUL because I had sacrificed my dreams.  I had a suitcase full of Abandoned Dreams and a closet full of SHAME.


I learned to listen to my your heart.  I learned to quite the worry and anxiety and face all of my demons.  

I became a certified yoga and meditation instructor and then discovered the beautiful world of Bach Flower Essences.  

I began to feel good and then great and I wanted everyone to experience the Joy I had discovered.  JOY was the legacy I wanted to create and I was DETERMINED to help as many people as I could.

I began with family and friends and then they began to recommend their family and friends.

SRT Spiritual Response Therapy came next which helped me heal at a deep soul level both on this lifetime and past lives.  

Reiki came next as I learned to connect with the incredible world of angels and ascended masters.  

I began to immerse myself in the blessed world of Tarot and developed my mediumship skills.  My clairvoyance was a magical mixture of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience — see, hear and smell — and I became enthralled with essential oils.

Here I am now embracing all of my learning and continuing more.  It is a place where I am blessed with an amazing life and grateful for all that I have.

It’s a good day!