Defeating the giant requires great strategy. A clear path is required. The path is laid out on magical morsels and stellar surprises.

The size of the warrior you are fighting does not matter. The weapons he carries are often his weakness — full body armour, javelin, spear and a sword — for they are heavy.

It is not simply his weight but his wanton disregard for authority. By authority I mean the law.

Being an underdog changed me in ways that I often failed to appreciate. It opened doors and created opportunities. Many refused to bet on the underdog. I educated myself and made possible what might otherwise have been unthinkable.

Like a Judas Priest record stuck on repeat. Only you are Judas and the priest has been knocking on your door only you don’t answer.

Breaking the law, breaking the law. So much for your golden future, I can’t even start to explain to you that which you won’t hear. I’ve had every promise broken, there’s no more anger in my heart. You don’t know what it’s like, you don’t have a clue.

If you did you’d find yourselves doing the same thing again or and over. You wouldn’t be where you are now. You doing to you now what you did to me for too long – lie!

When ordinary people confront giants — by giants I mean powerful opponents of all kinds from armies and mighty warriors to disability, misfortune and oppression — they only need a few weapons and they’re all spiritual.

Have you faced a challenge where you felt out sized? Have you felt that you needed to respond despite the size?

Did you wonder if you should play by the rules? Did you persevere or give up? Did you strike back or forgive?

The act of facing overwhelming odds produces greatness and beauty.  

Being an underdog changed me in ways that I often failed to appreciate.  It opened doors and created opportunities.  Many refused to bet on the underdog.  I educated myself and made possible what might otherwise have been unthinkable.  

Single Combat

The opponent may deem you unequal.  You are for your powers are from within.  Without the heavy burden of armour we walk lightly, peacefully with purpose and joy. 

Weigh and measure your opponent.  You may find him to be wanting.  

The writing is on the wall

What matters is what we write on our own wall.  I’m an idiot is a thought, next we speak it and then we act.  I am a warrior, I speak powerfully and I create powerful programs.  I was imprinted with the life of an addict.  I thought that my life was happening to me.  Then I realized life was happening for me.  Power, purpose and passion guide me in the direction of my dreams.  Drama has no place in my life.  Victory is my option and my opportunity.  I choose joy, I live joyfully and my mission is joy.  Life is truly a joyful blessing.