Bitch, witch, hag, nag, man-hater are the words I heard when I spoke out. Out of turn, out of place and always out of the cage of rage.

I was taught suppression with the sugar and spice programming of my culture, my family, my church and my school. I was bred to be a nurturer, soother, peacemaker and the steadier of the boat. It was my job to please, protect and placate the world I held up like Thor. Problem was I was a woman and women don’t misbehave. If we do the consequences are dire.

I began to heal from what deserved my respect and attention. Anger was killing me and kindness was something I needed to feed myself. Bach Flower essences were my prescription and the doctor taught me how to use them. It took me two years to enter the space of healing that allowed me to return to work.

Once I learned that it wasn’t socially acceptable, I played small.  Small enough to fit into the box that was designed for the good mother, good daughter and good wife.  The problem is well behaved women don’t take over the world.   It’s been socially normal for men to be heroes but women heroes must be dressed in Wonder Women bathing suits and carry guns beneath their Charlie’s Angels costume.  Charlie is in charge until the fallen angel defies him and the other angels.  

I was dismissed as an irrational, psychotic troublemaker and to cross me meant you would suffer my wrath.  I learned to feed my anger and fear it at the same time.  Black rage is dangerous and it let to adrenal fatigue.  I had to exit my life stage left and begin again.

I began to heal from what deserved my respect and attention.  Anger was killing me and kindness was something I needed to feed myself.  Bach Flower essences were my prescription and the doctor taught me how to use them.  It took me two years to enter the space of healing that allowed me to return to work.  

As I learned to procure hard drives and servers, speak megabytes and service tickets, my 5-9 studies brought me to an education that changed my life.  Bach Flower Essence Certified I began to change lives and learn that I could no longer answer the call of administration.  I left and jumped into the joyful life.  I am grateful that I took over the world of holistic healing.  It is with pride and exponential experience that I rock the world of flower essences.   Here I am four years later and over 300 consultations filled with gratitude.  My joy cup is filled with each person, animal and soul I help.  

Let’s begin your journey today!  BACH CUSTOM REMEDIES – Exponential Joy