What are you emotionally satisfied with or emotionally dissatisfied with?  Our nature is logical and wants to share via communication and articulation.  It is also the information coming in and how we translate it because of our programming.

From all directions is a reflection we are processing.  There are always two sides to a story.  There are many perceptions.  Focus on the upgrade of our own system on the emotional realm.  What is causing you emotional comfort and emotional discomfort?  Can you go inside and reflect on this as the observer?  Acceptance and allowance for this process to take place.  Allowing endings to end to allow beginnings to begin.  

Get clear on mental purification and mental clarity.  The most clarity comes from the release of too many thoughts.  Releasing the triggering by observing.  Registering and processing is exhausting while observing allows for clarity.  Emotional strengthening.  

Show up with action and response upon observation.  We have to be the change.  There is no more talking without doing.  We came to implement change.  

Break free from where you feel you are being restricted.  This is where you feel rigid and stuck because we have become comfortable or afraid.  Fight for what you love.  Fairness, justice and balance — universal love and law.  Love what we don’t want to love even if we don’t think it is worthy.  Love to the dark.  If all beings knew what love and compassion then hate would no longer exist.  People turning on people creates and continues war.  Tight rope between heaven and hell to show compassion and better the world.  Teach love and compassion.  All deserve love.  

We have a responsibility to share how we really feel.  We have to speak our truth and share our truth — even the uncomfortable.  There is so much we can change if we are only brave enough.  

We are challenged to speak of the depth of our truth.  Speak the truth and you will be freed of the darkness.  Honest, kind vulnerability.  Align your relationships, career, everything — with your truth.  Practice taking action in the coming days.  Observe and reflect.  

Each day, week and month is an accumulation and opportunity to face this challenge.

The mind is

Create Heaven Here on Earth

divided between creative and destructive thoughts.  Choose to observe stay and learn.  Learn the art of radially letting go of that which does not serve you.  Love serves you and darkness must be transformed.  This is how we create heaven here on earth.

Accepting where you are at gives the opportunity to move forward deliberately toward where you want to be.  Optimism has much more power then pessimism.  Unconditional love and anger are also very far apart in their creative and destructive energies.  Choose what grows your life in the direction of what you want to create.

Detach, observe and communicate your truth in the next few days.  Being the example as opposed to the hypocrite realizing that you have both.  What brings you toward love and what moves you away from love.  What is the consequence of your action?  Reflect, observe and avoid causing troubles for yourself that you will have to clean up.   It’s not to late to change and create the world you want.  Radically let go of that which does not serve you, that which destroys.  You cannot fix what has caused you problems with the same behaviour — transform or die.