What is your purpose in this lifetime?  Are you meant to fly south for the winter?  Are you meant to dance in the snow?  

Where can you direct your energies?  You cannot stop the geese from flying south or the ducks from walking in a row. 

We are works in progress and we often have an intense, compulsive obsession for control.   We see the world, our world, as out of place.  Are you a control freak about your life?  Are you a control freak about the lives of others?  

Our internal dialogue speaks to how in control or out of control we feel.  Sometimes we feel out of control and often this desire for control can become a disorder.  It’s the human condition — the desire for order.    

OCD – One Common Denominator

The One Common Denominator in your life is YOU.  You have two choices:  GROW or DIE.  It is truly that simple.  Growth is forward motion — anything else is stagnation or worse regression.

Our relationships — dating, friends, family, career and our relationship with self — are constantly changing.  Are you willing to be more open to the variety of life?  Do you know what your bounties and borders are?    Do you allow others the same opportunity?  

When we focus on on the lack instead of the abundance we flow with that lack.  Are there times when you are highly critical?  What really matters in your relationships?  Are you being overly critical with the details and failing to see the big picture?  

Relationships can be complicated; but, they don’t have to be.  We are all different and our differences are what create the beautiful kaleidoscope of life.  

Each of us is a product of our own unique environment — where you were born, the structure of your family, your beliefs.  

When we become to attached to our way of being, our way of thinking we create points of tension from an insecure point of view.  Your way, my way, the one way, the other way — creates division.  Embracing diversity is another option.  

When you get clear about what you want in your own unique experience, you can focus on what you want.  

Be aware of what you give consent to — pay attention to conversations especially in your love relationships.  What are you feeding in your relationships?  If life isn’t rosey then why are you wearing rose coloured glasses and sweeping the dirt under the rug?  If you keep avoiding the discussion, the dust bunny will grow and show it’s angry teeth 28 day, months or years later in a pent up angry, unhealthy rage.

Detox, daily routine – what goes in must come out.  Cleanse, eat clean and remove the physical, emotional and spiritual shit from your life!  Acidic thoughts and foods need to be balanced and removed.  ROUTINE is important.  

Mediation syncs both sides of your brain.  That quite place we can go to when you are afraid.  The fear of acceptance can muddle with you mind and cause you intense pain.  

Change is not always accepted or embraced.  When you go against the grain, realize that your authentic self may not be accepted.   What are you willing to accept and what are you not willing to accept.  If people don’t support you — detox from them.  Mature out of these misunderstandings and understand that the likelihood of people having different purposes is always life.  Allow then the freedom to align with who and what they align with.  Allow yourself to align with what and who you align with..  

We have all had emotional insecurities.   We are both the judge and the judged.  The way we judge others is how we will be judged.  You will see how you are looking at yourself based upon how others look at you.

How were you raised as opposed to how you are raising your life and the life of those in your life?  Are you raising your children up or bring in them down?    

Going over the same situation over and over again creates mastery and resolution if you are open as opposed to ego minded manipulation, control, jealousy.  Negativity infects — beware.  

Heaven on Earth if you have the courage to transform.