What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Holistic System for Balancing, Healing, and Harmonizing all aspects of the person – Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit.

The word Reiki is divided into two parts.

Rei – is translated as the “wisdom and knowledge of all the universe” – meaning – the wisdom that comes from God (or the source, the creator, the universe or All that is or what ever your belief is).

Ki – is the life force energy that flows through every living thing – plants, animals and people – even in rocks and inanimate objects.

Reiki is a safe, gentle, nonintrusive hands-on-healing technique, which uses spiritual energy to treat physical ailments without using pressure, manipulation or massage. Reiki is a complimentary technique that will enhance any medical treatment. Reiki works in conjunction with traditional medical treatments, psychotherapy, massage and non-traditional modalities.


How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki uses the energy of a Higher Source. All energy is of the Higher Source. Energy is not created or destroyed. Reiki simply uses that Universal Life Energy given to you and directs it to your well-being.

You may recognize that your inner needs are not being met. You may be itching for change.

When we consume, use up more energy than our system creates, we may become physically or emotionally ill. If our supply of life force energy is very low or depleted, we suffer from physical, emotional and mental exhaustion and tend to be more irritable, bad tempered, and depressed than usual.

Those who have experienced the energetic balancing of Reiki find that their feelings of well-being improve and return to their own unique place of good. They have much more energy, think more clearly, experience calmer emotions, are more centred and more loving. It is a lovely domino effect. Physically they begin to feel better, sleep better and their personal relationships improve too. When we change, our environment seems to improve too. Positive change permeates all aspects of our life.

The negative energy is removed, filtered and chaos is removed from your body, mind, emotions – your life. Imbalances become more balanced. Life becomes more manageable, permeable and peaceful. The more freely the life-force (Ki, Chi, Prana, Light) flows in you, the better you are able to perform the tasks and learn the lessons you came to this life for.

When the body’s energetic potential is improved its own natural ability to function is improved exponentially. The body’s innate inner wisdom, it’s own immune capabilities improve.

You have within you all that you need to shift your life to be happy, joyful, well and balanced.

Your Eternal, Universal Right to experience Joy exponentially awaits you.

I look forward to sharing with you.

~ Namaste ~

~ I honour the light that shines within you. I honour the light that shines within me.
~ I honour and acknowledge both ~

Session Details

Reiki with Light Tough Aromatherapy massage $100

3 Reiki Sessions with Light Tough Aromatherapy massage
for $270 (Save $30)

Reiki. Calms the mind. Empowers the soul. Fills the heart with compassion…

– James Deacon

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