My Journey with Bach Remedy Therapy began after my daughter passed away in 2011.  I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue and I chose an alternative form of medicine because I did not want to suffer the addictive side affects of prescription medication.  In 2015 I chose to step into my power and formally study the Bach Remedies.  After copious hours of study, I have a deep understanding of the science of Bach Remedies.

What are Bach Remedies?

The Bach Remedy System is both a complex and simple system of 38 remedies which balance emotions and treat negative mental states.

Each of these remedies helps you learn to take control of your own health.

Each remedy is aimed at a different state of mind or emotion.

They treat physical illnesses by restoring harmony to the mind and allow the body’s natural defences to work more easily.

Mental states have a direct and powerful effect on physical health.

Why do only some people that are exposed to the agents of disease fall ill?  The natural state of the human body is to be well.  Therefore, only if the defenses are weakened may the body be at dis-ease.  Imbalances in the personality and emotions are the agents that we can the defenses.  This is why imbalances are the true cause of dis-ease.

Life experiences, including illnesses, help us learn and grow. Part of that learning comes when we sit down – sometimes for the first time – about think about our emotions.

Attention is devoted to the individual and the emotional cause of the physical pain. Imbalances are the true cause of disease.

Disease is discord from a life in harmony.

To treat both the body and the person was to discover the source of their dis-ease.  Our physical health depends upon our way of thinking, our feelings and emotions.

When we think negatively, unhappily or destructively are physical health is ill.

The body is a mirror reflecting the thoughts in the mind.  The patient is the most important factor is his healing.  Bach Flower Essences are prescribed to treat the person and personality: the layers of the character, the persona, the psyche, the nature of the soul’s reflection; as well as, the idiosyncrasies — behavior or way of thought particular to an individual.

Your problem may be  that you say you can’t sleep, but how do you feel?  When working with the Bach System of Healing we look past the traditional orthodox symptomatic approach to illness.  Instead we investigate the emotional root of the problem.

Exciting and Magical

“The prevention and cure of disease can be found by discovering what is wrong within ourselves and eradicating this fault by the earnest development of the virtue which will destroy it; not by fighting the wrong, but by bringing in such a flood of the opposing virtue that it will be swept from our natures.” Heal Thyself, Dr. Edward Bach

We all Suffer and Struggle with the Same 7 Emotional Imbalances.

  • Fearfulness

  • Despondency or Despair

  • Loneliness

  • A Lack of Interest in the World Around You

  • Over-Concern for Others

  • Over-Sensitivity to Others

  • Uncertainty

The Bach System of 38 remedies address all necessary states of minds and emotions. The system is complete as it covers all negative mental states.

Trauma and Pain are a part of the human experience that we cannot avoid. PTSD, Anxiety, Panic, Shock and Terror are feelings we have all experienced. The depth and degree is unique to our personal path and experience. Customized Bach Remedies aid the individual and are completely unique for each client.

States of Mind and Emotions that Bach aids include:

  • Panic

  • Anxiety

  • Overwhelm

  • Impatience

  • Irritation

  • Self-Doubt

  • Deep Gloom

  • Lack of Energy

  • Mental Anguish

  • Resignation

  • Poor Self-Image

  • Exhaustion

  • Self-Pity

  • Intolerance

  • Weak-Will

  • Envy

  • Jealousy

  • Hatred

  • Hopelessness

  • Despair

Bach Flower Remedies are very safe, and can be used alongside other forms of treatment.  
Bach Flower Remedies don’t cause side effects and you can’t build up resistance to them.  
Bach Flower Remedies are non-habit forming.
Bach Flower Remedies are recommended for all forms of Alcohol or Drug Dependencies.
 If there is a concern you may consult your doctor.

Session Details

Bach Custom Remedy Session $70

3 Bach Custom Remedy Sessions for $180 (Save $30)